US Popularity:11599
Meaning:Water; Green jade; Blueish green; To suspend; To follow; Auspicious
Thuy is a Vietnamese gender-neutral name with a marvelous collection of definitions. If the sounds of waves crashing or the subtle ripples of a pond make you feel at ease, this name’s meaning of "water" will certainly appeal. Thuy may also translate to “green jade” or “blueish green,” conjuring up images of jewels that sparkle and gleam. Vietnam has a rich history of jade production and sourcing, with evidence of jade being worn as jewelry from as early as 2000 BC. Perhaps you’ll source a piece of jade jewelry of your own to honor your little one’s arrival! Other definitions of this moniker include “to suspend,” “auspicious,” and “to follow,” so it’s possible that wherever precious Thuy goes, luck and joy will follow.

How Popular Is The Name Thuy?

The Bump Ranking

Overall:Thuy is currently #4779 on The Bump
Girl:Thuy is currently #3170 on The Bump Girl Names

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 2015
+ 1350
from 2008
In comparison to the previous year's data
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