US Popularity:2984
Meaning:To go out, rise; Land of the sunrise; East; God is gracious
A feminine personal name in Polish, Asia is a diminutive of Joanna and carries the meaning "God is gracious." As far as place names for baby go, none is quite as epic as Asia. The largest and most populous continent in the world, Asia is not only home to a vast number of peoples, languages, and cultures, but it's also a beautiful girl’s name. The word derives from the Greek Ἀσία, meaning “to go out, rise.” Asia also probably comes from the Akkadian root Asu, which means "east" and refers to the sunrise, granting Asia the meaning "land of the sunrise." Asia is where the sun returns to brighten Earth each day, making it a powerful choice for baby's first dawn.
How Popular Is The Name Asia?
The Bump Ranking
Overall:Asia is currently #2002 on The Bump
Girl:Asia is currently #1384 on The Bump Girl Names
U.S. Births
Overall:Asia is currently #2984 in U.S. births
Girl:Asia is currently #1614 in U.S. births
Yearly Ranking Change:
in 2023
- 23
from 2022
Online Etymology Dictionary, Asia, September 2017
Behind the Name, Asia 1, January 2019
Behind the Name, Asia 2, January 2019
Name Doctor, Asia
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