US Popularity:7415
Meaning:Riches, wealth
Artha is a girl’s name of Indian origin, meaning “riches” and “wealth.” Artha may come from Arthada, an epithet given to the Hindu goddess of wealth and good fortune, Lakshmi. Artha is a beautiful name that is easy to pronounce and ends with a lyrical -a. If you wish to instill in baby an appreciation for the finer things in life, then this name is an excellent choice. With a name like Artha, baby will always be blessed with a wealth of love and happiness, gaining prosperity in all they endeavor!

How Popular Is The Name Artha?

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 1973
- 6124
from 1964
In comparison to the previous year's data
  • Wisdom Library, Artha

  • Behind the Name, Artha, December 2019

  • Britannica, Artha, January 2016

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