US Popularity:1631
Meaning:Silver; Protect; Destroyer; Ruin; Of Aries, ram
Though primarily Welsh in origin, Arian is a boy's name with roots extending deep into Greek mythology, too. Mainly meaning "silver" in Welsh, ancient mythos paints Arian as a silver wheel goddess who guards and controls the phases of the moon. Matching that celestial vibe, Arian may also be a variant of Aries, which translates to "ram" in Latin and connects baby to the constellation and astrological sign. Arian may also have Old English roots, meaning "protect," and can connect to the Greek Ares. While it can literally translate to "destroyer" or "ruin," it may also remind you of the Greek god of war and courage. A variation of the Greek Arion, the name also boasts ties with the immortal black-maned horse bred by the Gods themselves. Once gifted to the mighty Hercules, Arion was renowned for his great speed and heroic deeds. Named for such a quicksilver steed, Arian is certain to encourage an agile mind and even quicker wit.
How Popular Is The Name Arian?
The Bump Ranking
Overall:Arian is currently #942 on The Bump
Boy:Arian is currently #523 on The Bump Boy Names
U.S. Births
Overall:Arian is currently #1631 in U.S. births
Boy:Arian is currently #825 in U.S. births
Yearly Ranking Change:
in 2023
+ 74
from 2022
WordSense, Arian
WordSense, Aries
WordSense, arian
Online Etymology Dictionary, Arian (adj.), March 2018
Online Etymology Dictionary, Ares, September 2022
Theoi Greek Mythology, Areion
Medieval Scotland, Concerning the Name Arianrhod, October 1999
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