US Popularity:28392
Other Origin(s):Sanskrit
Meaning:Ray of sun
Baby is bound to be the light of your life, so why not choose a name that reflects this? Anshu is a masculine name of Indian origin that means "ray of sun" in Hindi, Sanskrit, and Nepali, making it the perfect name for your little sunshine. This radiant name has connotations of happiness and success, which will allow baby to tap into their inner light as they navigate life. If you're looking for a strong name that celebrates baby's Indian heritage, look no further than Anshu.

How Popular Is The Name Anshu?

The Bump Ranking

Overall:Anshu is currently #4271 on The Bump
Boy:Anshu is currently #2398 on The Bump Boy Names

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 2020
No change
from 2019
In comparison to the previous year's data
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