Newborn & Baby
Becoming a parent is a thrilling and somewhat nerve-wracking prospect. Sometimes you feel like you’ve got this thing, and other times you feel like you have no idea what you’re doing—and that’s okay! To help you navigate the ins and outs of caring for a new baby, we have loads of parenting articles with top tips, tricks and advice.
Getting Started
Feeling overwhelmed at the thought of raising a baby? We’re here to help! From expert-backed parenting advice to top tried-and-true parenting tips, our articles are packed with insights and guidance to steer you through this new phase of life.
Read More About Newborns
Bookmark this page so you can quickly find resources for newborn and baby including sleep, breastfeeding, feeding, and more!
And be sure to check out our monthly guides for a comprehensive overview of what to expect with baby during each month, from birth to the twelve-month mark.
Newborn Sleep
Getting baby into a sleep routine is probably at the top of your wish list, but it’s not always as easy as it sounds. Check out our articles below to learn how to get your newborn to sleep peacefully, so you both can be well-rested.
Newborn Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding can offer Mom and baby a beautiful bonding experience, but it will take some practice and plenty of patience as you both conquer the initial learning curve. For parenting tips on how to successfully breastfeed, explore our articles below.
Newborn Feeding
How much should newborn baby be eating? And how often? Read our parenting articles to find out everything you need to know about feeding baby.
Newborn Baby Health & Wellness
Baby’s health is your top priority, so you’re bound to have some questions and concerns. Our articles explain the ins and outs of common illnesses and offer guidance on how to keep baby in tip-top shape.
Newborn Milestones
It’s amazing how quickly babies grow and gain fresh skills—it probably seems like your little one is constantly accomplishing something new. Familiarize yourself with the big developmental milestones baby will reach to track when they may occur.
Newborn Tools
When you have a newborn, there’s a lot to keep track of. Luckily, we have a host of handy tools to help you keep things straight. Forget exactly when you last fed baby? Use our Breastfeeding or Bottle Feeding Tracker! For monitoring baby’s sleep, open up our Sleep Tracker. We even have a Vaccination Tracker, so you know which inoculations baby needs next.
Newborn Community Forums
It helps to remember you’re not alone in this parenting journey. Join our newborn and baby community forums to connect with other parents like you. We cover topics like babies 0-3 months, breastfeeding, formula and so much more.
Newborn Personal Essays
The arrival of a newborn is joyous, to be sure—but it can also be exhausting and stressful, and you wouldn't be the first parent to feel utterly overwhelmed. Don't just take our word for it; read stories from other parents about their highs and lows, lessons learned and what helped them navigate the newborn period.
Congrats! You’ve made it to the three-month mark with baby. It’s been an exciting journey, and you have so much more to look forward to in the coming months. Check out our parenting articles for help navigating the days ahead.
Baby Sleep
Forgotten what it’s like for you to get a good night’s rest? Turn to our parenting articles for help. We offer all the best parenting advice for getting you and baby on a regular sleep routine.
Baby Breastfeeding
If you can and choose to breastfeed, it can offer some amazing benefits for both you and baby. But while nursing is a natural thing, it doesn’t always come easily. Read our articles for parenting tips on how to successfully breastfeed.
Baby Feeding
Wondering what you should be feeding baby, how much and how often? It’s understandable to have questions. Our parenting advice provides you with all the information you need to ensure baby is getting properly fed.
Baby Health & Wellness
Preserving baby’s health and wellness is your top priority, but infants’ developing immune systems sometimes make it a challenge. Our articles are packed with expert advice and parenting tips for how to keep baby healthy and happy.
Baby Childcare
Whether you’re thinking about going back to work or looking for an extra set of hands, childcare may be the answer. Review our parenting articles about childcare options and advice to help you navigate the process.
Baby Milestones
It’s pretty thrilling to watch your little one expand their abilities—so of course you’re curious about what new skills lie ahead. Check out our articles on baby milestones below so you know what to keep an eye out for during the upcoming weeks and months.
Baby Tools
Parenting is hard, but our tools help make it just a bit easier. Track baby’s feeding schedule with our Breastfeeding Tracker or Bottle Feeding Tracker, and follow baby’s sleep routine with our Sleep Tracker. You can even use our Vaccination Tracker to ensure baby receives all the recommended vaccines.
Baby Community Forums
Don’t just take our parenting advice. Join our baby community forums to chat with new parents like you and get their thoughts and top tips. You’ll find age-specific discussion groups for 0-3 months old, 4-9 months and 9-12 months.
Baby Personal Essays
That initial year of baby's life is packed with firsts—for your child and for you! It brings wonder and delight, and a whole lot of questions. If you know, you know—which is why reading stories about other parents' real-life experiences and perspectives can be like chicken soup for the soul. And we've got plenty to share.
Newborn and Baby Videos
Want even more parenting tips? Press play on the newborn and baby videos below for more information and guidance on raising babies.