
OB Shares List of Essential Things to Ask Before Being Induced

In a now-viral TikTok, Dr. Fran empowers parents heading into induction with a checklist of questions that can help them feel more prepared and confident.
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By Wyndi Kappes, Associate Editor
Published February 28, 2025
pregnant woman talking to doctor
Image: - Yuri A | Shutterstock

The thought of being induced can be overwhelming for any parent. Whether it’s because you’re past your due date or due to medical reasons, there’s a lot to consider—from when and where your induction will take place to who will perform it and what pain-management and other options for your comfort are available. While it’s a common and often life-saving procedure, the process can still feel daunting, especially with so many unknowns.

In a now-viral TikTok video, Dr. Franziska V Haydanek, DO, FACOG, a board-certified OB-GYN specializing in high-risk obstetrics (@pagingdrfran), aims to ease parents’ minds by sharing a list of essential questions to ask your healthcare team before being induced. Broken into four clear categories, these questions have already helped many parents—and will hopefully help you too—feel more informed, confident and prepared as induction day approaches.


The first and possibly most important thing to consider when it comes to inductions are the when, where and who. Haydanek suggests starting with these key questions to get clear on the basics:

  • -How is the scheduling of inductions handled at the hospital?
  • -Do I have any control over the date/time for my scheduled eIOL (elective induction of labor)?
  • -How often are eIOL bumped or rescheduled?
  • -How does the the process work? Who will be managing my induction?

Basics of Induction and How It’s Augmented

Understanding how induction will progress is essential. Here are a few questions to clarify the methods and timing:

  • -What methods are available to ripen my cervix? How do you choose? What is best?
  • -When do you typically start the augmentation of labor part of induction?
  • -What is the average length of time for an elective IOL (induction of labor) if my cervix is unfavorable?

The Comforts of Induction

Induction can be a long process, so understanding your comfort options is key. Dr. Haydanek suggests asking:

  • -Can I take a break during my induction?
  • -Am I able to eat and drink during my induction?
  • -Can I get an epidural at any point during my eIOL? Is anesthesia available 24/7?
  • -How often will you check my cervix?
  • -Are internal monitors routinely placed?
  • -What are other pain management options throughout the induction process?

How to Have a Successful Induction and Contingency Plans

To increase your chances of a smooth induction, it’s helpful to understand what can be done if things aren’t progressing as planned. Here are some important questions to ask:

  • -What can I do to increase my chances of a successful induction?
  • -At what point do you consider breaking my water if it doesn’t happen spontaneously?
  • -Can I opt to go home if it looks like my [elective] induction isn’t progressing?
  • -Do you follow the current ACOG recommendations for failing an IOL before recommending cesarean?

Get even more information about the induction process and get expert advice to help you navigate the experience here.

Please note: The Bump and the materials and information it contains are not intended to, and do not constitute, medical or other health advice or diagnosis and should not be used as such. You should always consult with a qualified physician or health professional about your specific circumstances.

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