
New Study Shows a 12% Increase in Sleep-Related Infant Deaths

Researchers investigate the rise in sleep-related infant deaths from 2020-2022 and explore ways to keep babies safer.
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ByWyndi Kappes,Associate Editor
Published January 29, 2025
father holding and looking at infant baby
Image: Halfpoint | Shutterstock

The mysterious and often lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic continue to surface, with new research shedding light on its impact. The latest study—focused on Sudden Unexpected Infant Deaths (SUIDs)—reveals a concerning rise in sleep-related infant deaths.

Conducted by researchers at Virginia Commonwealth University and the Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU, the study was published on January 27 in the Journal of the American Medical Association Pediatrics. Reviewing child mortality data from 1999 to 2022, researchers found that while sleep-related infant deaths have generally declined since 1999, the rate of SUIDs increased by 12% between 2020 and 2022.

Sudden Unexpected Infant Deaths (SUIDs) encompass not only Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) but also other sleep-related fatalities, including accidental suffocation. Researchers sought to understand why SUIDs rose during this two-year period and why rates remain disproportionately high among Black, Native Hawaiian and Native American babies. Though the exact cause of the increase remains unclear, scientists believe three main factors may be at play: the rise of COVID-19 and other respiratory viruses, an increase in parental opioid use and the effect of social media on infant sleep practices.

“In social media posts, infants can be seen in unsafe sleep positions, for example on their stomach instead of on their back, and in unsafe sleep environments such as adult beds, couches and baby swings,” study author Steven Woolf, MD, explained in a press release.

As for why Black, Native Hawaiian, and Native American infants experience higher SUID rates, researchers suggest a combination of factors, including higher rates of tobacco use, premature births, and lower breastfeeding rates—all of which contribute to an increased risk of sleep-related deaths. Additionally, disparities in safe sleep education may further heighten this risk. While these findings offer important insights, researchers emphasize that more study is needed to pinpoint the root causes and develop targeted solutions.

News from the study does offer a silver lining: overall infant mortality rates have declined by 24.2% from 1999 to 2022. Decades of efforts—ranging from safe sleep education and lactation support to paid parental leave—have played a role in this progress. But as new challenges emerge, reinforcing safe sleep practices—like safe sleep positions—and combating misinformation on social media may be the next frontier in today’s world of keeping babies safe.

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