
3 Games Perfect for Serena Williams's Retro Baby Shower

These retro ideas will help you turn back time.
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profile picture of Anisa Arsenault
By Anisa Arsenault, Associate Editor
Updated August 7, 2017
Serena Williams and celebrities posing in 1950s poodle skirts in front of a vintage red pickup truck at her baby shower
Image: Serena Williams via Instagram
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Whether it’s pretty pastels or a cute zoo motif, half the fun of a baby shower is choosing a theme. And Serena Williams really aced it, serving up a totally unique 1950s-themed baby shower at a diner.

Wearing poodle skirts and polka dots, the celebrity guests of the “Shake, Rattle and Roll” shower helped Williams and fiancé Alexis Ohanian turn back the clock for their baby, due next month.

“When you and your crew go so far back to the 50s. Even then they had your back,” Serena wrote in her Instagram caption. “@evalongoria @ciara @lala @kellyrowland @angiebeyince #shakerattleandroll2017 #babyO”

Ciara manned the jukebox.

La La Anthony channeled her inner Rosie the Riveter (a nod to the 1940s, but who’s counting).

Hair stylist Angela Meadows came as Lucille Ball.

And Ohanian made an appearance in a vintage leather jacket.

A theme that guests actually like? It’s a refreshing change of pace for a baby shower. But keeping them entertained is a separate challenge. If you want to go retro like Williams, we have three baby shower games that fit a 1950s and 1960s theme.

Baby shower game: The Price Is Right, Baby Shower Edition
What you need: Paper, pens and a computer and printer or copy machine.
Before the party: Write a list of baby items and specific quantities (say, a box of 88 Pampers Swaddlers) on a sheet of paper and make enough copies for all your guests.
How to play: Have each guest write down what they think each retails for, then have them total their guesses. Whoever gets closest to the right total without going over wins. (This printout

Baby shower game: How Well Do You Know Your TV Children?
What you need: Paper, a pen and a computer and printer or copy machine.
Before the party: List the questions below on a sheet of paper, and make enough copies for your guests.
A. What were the names of the two sons on Leave It To Beaver? (1957)
B. What were the names of the three kids on Father Knows Best? (1954)
C. What was the name of Fred and Wilma’s child on The Flintstones? (1960)
D. What were the names of the six kids on The Brady Bunch? (1969)
How to play: Hand out the questions and ask your guests to respond to as many as they can. Whoever answers the most correctly wins. (The answers are: a. Wally and Beaver; b. Betty, Bud and Kathy; c. Pebbles; d. Marcia, Jan, Cindy, Greg, Peter and Bobby.)

Baby shower game: Father Knows Best (a nod to the 1954 show)
What you need: A smartphone and a computer (or a TV screen that hooks up to your computer).
Before the shower: For this baby shower game (crafted by Kris Jarrett of Driven by Decor), you’ll need to come up with a list of questions to ask the dad-to-be. Some great ones are:

  • What has been [name of expectant mom]’s biggest food craving during the pregnancy?
  • What’s the one word that would best describe [name of expectant mom]’s mood while pregnant?
  • How many diapers do you think your baby will go through in the first year?
  • Will you or [name of expectant mom] more likely be the parent who says “no”?
  • What year do you think you’ll buy your first minivan?
  • What are you most looking forward to about being a dad?
  • Then go through the list with the dad-to-be, while recording the conversation on video.

How to play: At the baby shower, gather everyone around and play the video of the dad-to-be so all can see, but pause after each question so the mom-to-be can guess her husband’s answer. “Talk about entertaining baby shower games! We all got some great laughs out of this one. And the video makes a great memento for the couple to watch years down the road,” Jarrett says.

For 40 more baby shower games, click here!

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