
These Are the Most Googled Thanksgiving Recipes by State

Find out what’s cookin’ in your neck of the woods.
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profile picture of Stephanie Grassullo
By Stephanie Grassullo, Contributing Writer
Published November 12, 2018
table with thanksgiving turkey and other foods
Image: iStock

There’s nothing quite like Thanksgiving dinner. But every American’s idea of the savory meal varies based on where he or she lives. A new survey from SatelliteInternet analyzed data from Google to reveal what Thanksgiving recipes people in each state are searching for the most.

While it’s no surprise turkey is a staple for many—where it’s the most Googled dish in Arizona, California, Florida, Nevada, New York, Pennsylvania and more—green bean casserole is also a hit in many mid-western states, including Colorado, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota and a few other locations.

As for folks in Idaho and Utah, they’re all about delicious Jell-O recipes. Wyoming and Georgia both have somewhat unique searches, with deviled egg and honey baked ham the most coveted recipes, respectively.

If you happen to be in the Carolinas, it’s safe to assume mac and cheese is on the menu. And a resident in Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire or West Virginia likely has some type of a sweet tooth, where mouthwatering Thanksgiving desserts top the searches there.

Click here to learn more about what’ll be on the menu in each state throughout the US this year. And if you have a lot of hungry toddlers to please on Thanksgiving, try out some of these kid-approved holiday eats so you can keep everyone happy and well-fed.

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