
What Parents and Moms-to-Be Need to Know About Heart Health

Tara Robinson, founder of the Black Heart Association, shares her powerful heart attack survival story, debunks heart disease myths and offers advice on how moms can take control of their heart health.
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By Wyndi Kappes, Associate Editor
Published February 26, 2025
Tara Robinson headshot
Image: Courtesy of Tara Robinson

As a busy mom, it’s easy to push your own needs aside to care for everyone else. But for Tara Robinson, that instinct nearly cost her the family she loved so much.

At 40, healthy and juggling life as a mom of six and a school teacher, Robinson never imagined heart disease could happen to her. So when she began experiencing symptoms—from her left arm going numb to her neck tingling—she did what many moms do (and what her doctor co-signed): she brushed it off, attributing it to the stress of parenthood. What she didn’t know was that those seemingly insignificant symptoms were actually warning signs of three heart attacks in one week, including a massive one that nearly took her life.

Frustrated and determined to ensure no other mom, dad or auntie goes through what she did, Robinson founded the Black Heart Association. Her mission: to increase screenings in underserved communities and raise awareness about how heart disease can affect anyone, with “silent risk factors” like stress, pregnancy, genetics and more contributing to an increased risk.

We spoke with Robinson about how moms-to-be and parents can advocate for their heart health, the red flags to watch for during pregnancy and how to access free heart screenings near you—because without moms, where would we be?

The Bump: You experienced three heart attacks in one week when you were just 40 years old. Can you tell us more about this experience and what you learned through it?

Tara Robinson: I was completely caught off guard. At 40, I’m in shape, and they say ‘40 is the new 20.’ I’m feeling good, looking good and happy, with no problems. I’m an educator, my son is a senior in high school and I remember leaving my doctor’s office in January. I told her, “My left arm’s going numb, and my neck hurts. It’s on and off, but persistent enough for me to notice." She said, “Maybe you’re just stressed, with all the hats we wear as women.” So like yeah, I checked that box off—definitely stressed.

Then, on April 10th, I woke up at 2 a.m. feeling all the textbook symptoms of a heart attack. But even then, I thought, “No, this can’t be it.” When I went to the ER that night, the doctor mentioned a heart attack. He said, “You’re too young for this, and we can’t find anything." I agreed—I am too young for a heart attack. Why would I be having one? I’ve never had any issues with my heart.

Looking back, what I wish I had known is that it can happen to anyone—even if you’re perceived as healthy. It can happen even after a doctor tells you everything looks good, that your numbers are great, you don’t have high blood pressure, no cholesterol issues. It can still happen. I believe stress was a contributing factor, as well as childhood trauma—those things we don’t talk about but internalize. I wish I’d understood how stress really affects our bodies, how it breaks us down and how it truly “keeps the score.” I was a counselor at the time, yet I didn’t fully understand this. Even now, years later, I’m still in shock that this is my story.

TB: How did you ultimately get to your heart attack diagnosis? Did someone finally listen? Did you yell loud enough that someone finally heard?

TR: My body kept yelling at me, warning me that something wasn’t right. I didn’t want to keep going back to the hospital, though. I’m ex-military, and I can be a little stubborn. You really have to pull me to do something. But, at this point, so much in my body was misfiring. As women, we know our bodies well. The next day, I had an “episode” in my classroom, and when the emergency crew arrived, they checked me out and said, “We can’t find anything. It’s your choice if you want to go back.” I didn’t want to, but my husband made me go back, so I did. The doctor still couldn’t find anything. I was released the next day at 11 a.m. after all the tests came back fine. But by 4 p.m. that afternoon, I was back at the hospital, having a massive heart attack. That’s how we found out—because I was still in crisis when I arrived, and an EKG finally confirmed it. When you think of 500,000 people dying every 36 seconds in the US to heart attacks. I’m just amazed I made it through those 36 seconds.


TB: What specific things from your experience do you feel have shaped the Black Heart Association’s mission?

TR: I think what I’ve taken is that it’s personal. The conversation around heart disease needs to be more personal—almost like one-on-one conversations—to help everyone understand. It’s like a shake-up that needs to happen. It can happen to you, is basically what I’m saying. That’s how the Black Heart Association came to be. I used to volunteer with the American Heart Association and I remember calling them from my ICU bed and I said, “Hey, I need to know everything about heart disease, because why am I insured, going to my doctor, doing all the right things—eating right, exercising—and still this is my fate?” I just realized it wasn’t personal enough for me, and I wanted to change that.

TB: That shift in perspective is powerful. Speaking of the personal side of health, pregnancy brings so many unique challenges that people must navigate. Pregnancy is often referred to as a ‘stress test’ for the heart, how can expectant moms best prepare for this critical time in their heart health journey?

TR: Even before pregnancy, we need to talk about stress and its impact on the heart. Pregnancy puts a lot of stress on the heart—hormonal changes, adjusting to a new body—the experience can feel alien. That’s why it’s so important to understand your body and what it needs to stay healthy ahead of time. Just like a stress test, you need to prepare not only for the nine months of pregnancy but for the 18 years of raising a child.

Preparing both your mind and body is essential, and sometimes that includes seeking mental health support. We often overlook the importance of mental health during pregnancy, especially when balancing other children. I’d love to see more pre-counseling for pregnant women and women trying to conceive. Mind and body need to be addressed together.


TB: There are many risk factors for heart disease, like stress, that often go unaddressed. Research shows that not only do women who experience pregnancy complications face a higher heart disease risk later in life, but their sisters do as well. I know your brother passed away from heart disease. Given this, how can doctors and individuals safeguard against cardiac events?

TR: It all goes back to a personal approach—a family model of care. That little question they ask you about family history should prompt a deeper conversation. If one family member has had a heart attack, it’s important to consider the risk for others, like sisters. We see this often in the preeclampsia space, where one sister’s experience increases the chance for the other. If we share the same DNA, there’s a real chance that something is going on with my heart too. That’s why it’s important for all family members to get screened. For example, lipoprotein A levels triple during pregnancy, and this is a key indicator of heart attack or stroke risk. It’s important we share our voices and the entire family gets checked out from sisters to the aunties—everyone. My mom just found out she has genetic heart failure, so now we’re having the entire family tested. It’s about sounding the alarm and making sure everyone is aware of their risks, especially when heart conditions can run through generations.

TB: For people who want to advocate for themselves and get screened, what test can they ask for?

TR: There are several tests we should be asking for. As women, we bring life to this world—where would the world be without us, right? We deserve the full spectrum of care. I’d encourage women to get a full cardiovascular workup and get to know their numbers before pregnancy. Get your lipid levels, cholesterol and other key health indicators checked. I also recommend getting your Lipoprotein A tested, a calcium scoring done and B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) to check for potential heart failure risks. A full hormonal panel is also important to track your baseline levels before pregnancy. Once you’re pregnant, it’s crucial to have a comparison point, so we can better understand what’s changing. I’d even argue for a cardiovascular check the minute you find out you’re pregnant. Doctors should be part of that collective care right away, especially considering the high mortality rate. If we can get ahead of it, we should.


I know it might be easy for us to say, “get all these tests,” but we also need to consider the cost, especially in underserved communities. But for those who can, it’s important to speak up to your doctor. With the risks involved in pregnancy and giving life, you have every right to ask for the necessary precautions to ease your mind. Establishing a relationship with your doctor early on, while you’re calm and proactive, can make a difference. Going that extra mile helps, even if it’s just getting a few things checked.

Image: Courtesy of Tara Robinson

TB: In thinking about the things that often get overlooked, many women—especially Black women—go to their doctors and express concerns, only to have them brushed off as anxiety or stress. What would you say to moms to help them find their voice, advocate for themselves and trust their gut when something feels wrong and needs further attention?

TR: I thought about this last night when I couldn’t sleep—what does it take for someone to truly hear you? As Black women, when we speak up, we sometimes get labeled as that ‘angry Black woman.’ But I say to Black moms everywhere, “so what?” If speaking up means I get to come home and spend another day with my family, then raise your voice. Get a second opinion. Go to a different hospital. Call the Black Heart Association, or call in an advocate in your family—that loudmouth person, the one who says whatever comes to mind. That’s who you need in your corner when you’re uncomfortable and feel like you’re losing your voice. It’s about finding that person who speaks up for everybody in the family, even if you’re not sure you should invite them to the picnic. It’s okay to make noise about your health. Disagree. At the end of the day, doctors are just people like us but in coats practicing medicine.


TB: And I think it’s important to remember, worst-case scenario, you’ve done a couple more tests or advocated for yourself and confirmed that everything’s okay.

TR: We expect five-star service from restaurants or hotels. But when it comes to our doctors, we often don’t hold them to the same standard. If the food is wrong, we send it back. That’s how you need to approach healthcare. It’s not about being rude, it’s about saying, “I’m sending this back to you, doctor, because this isn’t right. I know my body, and I need more tests or a referral to a specialist.” If a doctor doesn’t have the answers, it’s okay for them to say, “I don’t know,” and refer you elsewhere. Honesty goes a long way. We’re paying for insurance and a service, so we should expect top-tier care. If you leave the office still feeling uncomfortable or with unanswered questions, stay put and keep asking until you feel satisfied.

TB: Beyond pregnancy, having a new baby brings a lot of stress, from sleepless nights to postpartum recovery. How can new moms prioritize their heart health when things are hectic?

TR: The simplest thing I would say is to know who your support system is—not just when the baby is cute, but all the time, especially when you need a break. Who can you trust to come to your home or take the baby for a few hours or even a night?… If you need a mental health break, it’s crucial to have that person ready to help. And if your partner is at work—because let’s face it, not all of us live the perfect lives you see on TV—calling in those retired aunties or grandmas is key.


Another simple step is getting outside. Whether it’s sitting on the porch, the curb or just stepping outside for some fresh air, getting some vitamin D helps with your mental health. Even if you’re just sitting with baby or while baby’s resting, just take a second to detach yourself from all the nuances of being in the house all day. And give yourself some grace! That’s free medicine.

TB: What’s one myth about heart health you wish people would stop believing?

TR: I want them to realize a heart attack doesn’t have to be painful. It doesn’t have to feel like a huge event. When I was younger, I remember seeing portrayals of heart attacks—an older man with a pot belly, turning red in the face, clutching his chest. And so we kind of look for that because that’s what’s been programmed in our mind. But I want people to realize for a lot of us, it doesn’t look like that and it’s not painful at all. It’s subtle, like fatigue, and it’s easy to ignore. It’s not always this dramatic moment.

TB: What is the Black Heart Association doing to raise awareness about heart disease, get people tested and save lives?

TR: We base our model on CARE, not CAP. And I know that sounds funny, but in our community, CAP means you’re not being real, you’re not being authentic. The CARE model lets us engage with people in a way that feels personal—like holding a mirror up to our community. We go over this with our staff every day, we see people in the community that represent someone, that represent the position that we were once in and work to have a real conversation with them. Whether it’s a college student who isn’t eating healthy or a pregnant mom who needs to get certain tests done, we can have those personal conversations because we do care.


We don’t want anyone to end up like my brother, Stephen, who passed away at 38 in front of his two kids, or like the man who got a call from his 12-year-old daughter saying, “Mommy died in my lap.” We go everywhere—the corner store, the beauty shop, family events, even house parties—because everyone deserves to know where they stand health-wise. And it’s not just for the underserved community. We help everyone. We see every race of people simply because we care. At a beauty shop in Houston, all these young women in their 20s and 30s were looking great but didn’t have insurance or go to the doctor. We talked to them, and now they’re insured, getting primary care and knowing their numbers. We need to be everywhere, and that’s how we’re making change.

TB: How can someone find the Black Heart Association in their city or state and connect with your mission?

TR: They can visit our website at We offer free screenings for anybody; if you want to go to a lab in your city, you can sign up through our intake form and we’ll cover the cost. On the website, you can book our state-of-the-art Cardiovascular Awareness and Resource Delivery Vehicle (CARDI V), check out upcoming events and find out where we’ll be next. Right now, we have buses in Dallas and Houston, and next year, we’ll be adding two more in Louisiana. We’re taking it one state at a time, tackling this like the lion eating the elephant—we’re not scared at all. On the website, there are also resources on how to get insurance if you’re self-employed or don’t have insurance. We also have a doctor locator and more information to help people stay on top of their health.


TB: To close out, I know it’s hard to distill everything down, but is there one thing you’d like to say to mothers?

TR: There’s a dad I follow on Facebook who lost his wife at church right after she had their baby. I see his posts about raising their two kids without their mom, and it breaks my heart. If I had to sum it up, I’d say: Your babies need you. Your husband needs you. Most importantly, we need you. You need you. We need you here. It’s that simple. So, even when you don’t understand what’s going on with your body, fight for your health because you need to be here to see your kids grow. Live to fight another day.

Please note: The Bump and the materials and information it contains are not intended to, and do not constitute, medical or other health advice or diagnosis and should not be used as such. You should always consult with a qualified physician or health professional about your specific circumstances.

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