
The “Inside Out 2” Trailer Introduces a New Emotion in Riley’s Head

With age comes a whole new range of emotions, including…
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profile picture of Wyndi Kappes
By Wyndi Kappes, Associate Editor
Published November 16, 2023

Pixar has finally dropped the first teaser trailer for its highly anticipated Inside Out 2 film. A sequel to the Oscar-winning animated film, the beloved characters that made up Inside Out are back with a few new emotions in tow.

The trailer opens with the voices in Riley’s head, chief among them Joy, waxing about how fast Riley is growing up and how things “just couldn’t be better.” Amid the calm and happiness, though, Riley blows out the candles on her thirteenth birthday cake, and suddenly things get a little crazy.

In the middle of the night, an alarm sounds, and a “demo crew” enters the emotion command center. As they take chainsaws and a wrecking ball to everything in the main room, the emotions panic before taking a look at their new control panel, which is now suspiciously orange. As Joy, Anger, Fear, Disgust and Sadness all take turns claiming it wasn’t their fault at the end of the line stands a new emotion—Anxiety.

Anxiety, complete with all of its baggage, introduces itself, asking where it can put its stuff and apologizing, saying that “we wanted to make such a good first impression”—implying that there are even more emotions on the way. At the end of the trailer, all of these possible “other emotions” we may meet are listed from Envy to Embarrassment.

While the trailer might have only been a little over a minute long, it has left fans eager to see the movie in full. In the week since the trailer was released, it has become Pixar’s most-watched animated trailer of all time, with 157 million views!

Mark your calendars for the premier of Inside Out 2 in June 2024!

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