
TikTok Parents Are Convinced Fourth Baby Pregnancy Brain Is the Worst

From a laptop in the shower to keys among the diapers and ranch in the freezer, watch as Dillon and Suzanne White chronicle the most comical pregnancy brain mishaps around their home.
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profile picture of Wyndi Kappes
By Wyndi Kappes, Associate Editor
Published March 20, 2024
pregnant mom with three children
Image: Yobro10 | Getty Images

If you haven’t heard or experienced it already, pregnancy brain is definitely more than just a cliche. According to the American Psychological Association (APA), 50 to 80 percent of pregnant women report memory and thinking problems. Between a lack of sleep and an increase in hormones like estrogen and progesterone, it’s no wonder you might find yourself misplacing your keys, forgetting simple things and, in general, making a few “oops” than usual. But does pregnancy brain get worse with more children?

There might not be any research on whether pregnancy brain gets worse your third or fourth time around, but TikTok parenting icons Dillon, @dadchats, and Suzanne, @momchats, don’t need a study to know their fourth pregnancy has been the most challenging yet. “I have never experienced pregnancy brain like I have this pregnancy,” Suzanne noted in a recent video. “I just spent 20 minutes looking for my phone and it’s in my hands!”

As Suzanne goes on to describe other oops moments, her husband Dillon chimes in with other humorous stories, from her trying to cook noodles in room-temperature water to not being able to explain to her son Mason what apple juice tastes like.

Just a few days after Suzanne posted her initial video, Brian posted a hilarious follow-up. “This fourth pregnancy brain is no joke. When my wife said this has been the worst pregnancy brain she’s experienced, she was not kidding. I figured I would tell you the things I found just so far today while getting the kids ready for school,” he says into the bathroom mirror.

For starters why is he in the bathroom you might ask? Well, when the Whites had some of their kid’s friends over yesterday, Dillon asked Suzanne to stash his laptop somewhere safe where the kids couldn’t get to it. As Dillon looked all over the house for this safe place, after 20 minutes, he eventually found his Macbook in the shower. “Is it safe from kids—sure. Safe from water? No,” he joked.

The soon-to-be dad of four proceeds to go through a list of oddly misplaced items from ranch in the freezer to groceries still on top of the car, an outdoor cushion with the throw pillows on the couch and keys in the diaper bin on the changing table. “Finally, I don’t know if this is pregnancy brain but our cat has been hanging out in here [the cabinet] for two hours,” he added.

Parents, fans and friends laughed with the Whites in the comments. “That cat is hiding because she’s afraid she’s going to be relocated,” joked one user. “She put the groceries on top of the car to take the baby inside for a diaper change and that’s why the keys are there I bet,” added another parent.

In solidarity, several others shared their own pregnancy brain experiences. “I drove to work and took the bus home once while pregnant,” wrote one mom. “I screamed at my husband, “Where’s Nina?!” because it was too quiet. I was nursing her,” noted another. “With my 1st pregnancy, I was at my sister’s house and pushed up my sleeves and I had on 2 watches,” joked one parent.

It can be a relief to know that you aren’t the only one experiencing pregnancy brain your first, second or even fourth time around. While pregnancy brain is something you’ll just have to work through, check out these tips to help lift the pregnancy brain fog.

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