
Evite Is Helping Loved Ones Stay Connected With New Baby Shower Game

While your friends and family may be celebrating your pregnancy from afar, you can still help them feel involved with this new baby shower prediction game from Evite and Pampers.
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profile picture of Nehal Aggarwal
By Nehal Aggarwal, Editor
Published September 2, 2020
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Many moms are still opting for virtual showers due to the ongoing pandemic, and Evite wants to help make it a little more fun. In partnership with Pampers, Evite is unveiling a new Baby Shower Prediction Game to allow loved ones to take turns guessing key stats about baby virtually.

Image: Evite

The game features colorful icons and a festive leaderboard. The aim is simply to get loved ones involved in the pregnancy, even if they can’t be there in person. All hosts have to do to allow their loved ones to play is to add the game under the “Baby Predictions Game” dropdown while creating their Baby Shower or Baby Sprinkle evites. They can add which stats they would like guests to guess on, including their sex, time of birth, weight and length, as well as provide the expected due date to help the predictions.

The guests will then be prompted to RSVP, as well as submit their predictions. All guests will be able to see all predictions until the host inputs real birth stats after baby arrives. These predictions will live in an infographic under the “Games” tab.

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