
DYPER Launches First-Ever National Diaper Composting Service

Sustainability is one new trend we can get behind.
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By Nehal Aggarwal, Editor
Published February 19, 2020
box of dyper compostable baby diapers
Image: DYPER

Sustainability is everywhere in 2020, and we are here for it. Several brands are stepping up and taking responsibility for their carbon footprint. Now, that list also includes DYPER, an eco-friendly subscription-based diaper service that recently launched REDYPER, the first ever national diaper composting service.

The service launches in partnership with TerraCycle, a waste management company. If DYPER customers choose to opt in, they’ll be given a specially engineered waste-grade box (that meet United Nations Haz Mat shipping standards), label and materials, in which they can ship their soiled diapers back to TerraCycle for composting.

According to the news release, diapers are a $48 billion industry, and, annually, over 20 billion diapers fill American landfills. “We’re committed to making diapering effortless for parents, gentle for babies and kind to the planet,” Sergio Radovcic, DYPER’s CEO stated in the release. “It wasn’t easy to develop the most fully compostable diaper ever created. But, we are thrilled that our partnership with TerraCycle will make it easy for families to keep their used diapers out of landfills.”

The waste composted through the service will likely be used for vegetation, highway medians and other specialized applications. For a limited time, customers can opt in to the service for free, after which it will be $39 a month. Learn more about REDYPER here.

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