
Display Baby Showers Are the Latest Trend Taking Over TikTok

The simple gift-giving switch-up is helping some parents-to-be ease their anxiety while leaving others unsettled.
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profile picture of Wyndi Kappes
By Wyndi Kappes, Associate Editor
Published July 17, 2024
baby clothes gift displayed in box
Image: Igisheva Maria | Shutterstock

When it comes to planning a baby shower for yourself or someone you love, it’s paramount to always center the parent’s-to-be wishes. One of those things to consider is that not all parents-to-be love being at the center of things, in fact for some its downright uncomfortable. The peak of this discomfort often comes with the opening of the presents. All eyes are on the parent or parents-to-be as they tear open dozens of gifts and try to have the appropriate reaction every single time. For some parents it’s just too much. The solution—display baby showers.

Display baby showers aren’t necessarily a new idea but one that’s been trending on TikTok and Instagram as of late as an alternative to make things easier on both the guests and the parents-to-be. The idea is simple: instead of wrapping your baby shower gift in an elaborate way, simply bring it to the shower and place it on display (nametags attached optional). This interaction takes the stress off guests who feel the need to present their gift perfectly and off the parent-to-be who can either acknowledge the gifts and gift giver as they come in or throughout the event.

“I did this and I have zero regrets,” TikTokker Julie Myers (@julezmyers) said in stitched response to [@brooke.skinnerr](( praising the idea. “I had crippling anxiety leading up to my baby shower to the point that I didn’t want to have a baby shower at all. When we made this decision it was a weight lifted off my shoulders. I was able to not only get excited for the baby shower but once the day came I was able to enjoy it.”

Myers explains that while the decision to do a display shower may have stirred up some feelings and stepped on some toes, at the end of the day she had no regrets. “That day was about me, my baby girl and my husband. I would encourage anyone else dealing with anxiety about opening gifts in front of alot of people,” she added.

In the comments people were divided over the idea. Those in support praised the time and earth saving benefits of a display shower. “I love this. I don’t want to watch you open presents for 3 hours. Sorry not sorry,” wrote one commenter. “I also love this because it saves on wasteful wrapping paper and and bags,” added another. “Wait, I bring a gift-I don’t have to wrap?! This is my dream- can we do this for birthdays and Christmas also,” a commenter joked.

For those struggling with how to ask one Mom chimed in with the sweet message she used “Your lovely gift will be put on display, so no need to wrap it any way. A bow and a gift tag will do just fine. Leaving us free to visit & dine.” Another mom chimed in noting that she asked for guests to not wrap their gifts and instead place them in baby’s nursery. A win-win for parents getting things into place and friends and family getting a sneak peak of the nursey.

Some commenters weren’t impressed with idea though. “Just an FYI— I would only do this for a younger crowd! Was confusing/upsetting to my grandma and older relatives,” wrote one commenter. “As a person who takes pride in cute wrapped/displayed gifts it hurts my pride when someone takes it apart other than the person it’s intended for,” wrote another. “This is a great idea but here’s another…… open the gifts at your house in your time/comfort while making a video. Then you can post video to the gift giver or the whole group. Use technology wisely,” suggested one commenter.

However you decide to shower, whether you prefer a “Sip and See” tea with display gifts or a “baby monsoon” with wrapped presents, take time to craft a experience that suits your needs and wants! Need some inspiration? Check out these unique baby shower ideas that run the gamut from teddy bears to tea.

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