
This Dilated Cervix Chart Shows Why Moms ‘Deserve All the Things’

As if we needed any more proof.
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profile picture of Stephanie Grassullo
By Stephanie Grassullo, Contributing Writer
Updated April 23, 2019
woman in labor in hospital bed
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If you’ve ever for a second thought moms weren’t superheroes, one viral photo will prove you wrong. Earlier this month, Facebook user Steffanie Christi’an re-posted a photo of a wooden dilation chart portraying the cervical dilation process women go through during vaginal birth. “This is why we deserve all the things,” she comments. Enough said.

Christi’an’s post quickly exploded, racking up nearly 180,000 shares to date. But before her photo went viral, it was originally shared on the SCV Birth Center Facebook page.

“Whelp—that’s what 10 centimeters looks like,” it says. “Just perfect for that little head.”

The SCV Birth Center is a nationally accredited CABC birth center in Santa Clarita Valley, Antelope, and San Fernando Valley that provides personalized maternity and well-woman care including natural childbirth, home birth and waterbirth options. The agency uses the dilation board as a learning tool to show dilation beginning with one centimeter and up to a full 10 centimeters.

Give yourself a moment to fully absorb it. Every woman dilates at a different rate. Although some dilate a few centimeters days before feeling any true contractions, the bulk of dilation typically happens during active labor. Some women dilate multiple inches faster than you’d ever think possible. Your body changes all on its own to get baby out and into your loving arms. That’s the wonder of childbirth.

Please note: The Bump and the materials and information it contains are not intended to, and do not constitute, medical or other health advice or diagnosis and should not be used as such. You should always consult with a qualified physician or health professional about your specific circumstances.

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