
Mom-to-Be’s Hilarious ‘Demon’ Baby Sonogram Goes Viral

“I love this devil baby so much already,” she quipped.
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By Laurie Ulster, Contributing Writer
Published September 13, 2019
sonogram machine at doctor's office
Image: John Fedele / Getty Images

When Lyanna Carrington went in for her 24-week ultrasound, the last thing she expected was to see a ghostly sonogram of her baby staring right at the camera and looking unnervingly like a “demon,” she later joked.

The ultrasound tech gave Carrington and the baby’s dad the good news that their child was healthy, then verified that she’s a girl. After that, the camera was moved back to the baby’s face—and she promptly opened her eyes and smiled. The moment was captured by the camera and looks like something out of a horror movie.

Carrington posted the hilariously terrifying sonogram of her daughter on Facebook, writing, “most babies hide from the camera, look at her demon ass,” adding, “I love this devil baby so much already.”

The post quickly went viral: It’s racked up more than 16,000 shares and almost 8,000 comments, some of which expressed doubt that the photo was even real. But others got into the spirit of it. “Looking like the seed of Chucky,” someone wrote. “She gotta stay inside,” was another comment (with a laughing emoji next to it), while another commenter upped the ante: “My grandmother vomited mid-ultrasound IN UTERO.” Someone else joked, “I would be getting an exorcism from the moment I saw that sonogram.”

Regardless of the eerie photo, the tech assured the parents-to-be that their daughter was normal and healthy. “I don’t know why she looked like that. Some people from the internet thought she was fake, but that’s my real life baby there,” Carrington told Fox News. “We were just laughing at the scan.”

If your mid-pregnancy ultrasound is coming up, here’s what to expect. Of course, when the camera is on them, you never know what baby will do!

Please note: The Bump and the materials and information it contains are not intended to, and do not constitute, medical or other health advice or diagnosis and should not be used as such. You should always consult with a qualified physician or health professional about your specific circumstances.

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