
Your "Pootrait" Could Win You a Year’s Supply of Diapers

Babyganics is challenging the picture-perfect depiction of diaper duty by asking parents to share their best diaper change selfies.
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profile picture of Wyndi Kappes
By Wyndi Kappes, Associate Editor
Updated September 29, 2022
babyganics pootraits campaign
Image: Courtesy Babyganics | The Bump

Diaper changes are one of the not-so-glamorous parts of parenting that no one really likes to talk about. So despite diaper duty being inherently messy and smelly, we often only see the “pretty” side of poop. Pristine packaging and serene diaper ads show a happy parent and baby with little more than an “oopsie daisy” uttered after a dirty diaper is discovered.

But we all know that’s not what real life is like. In fact, according to an AtomikResearch survey of 2,000 parents and caregivers, 48 percent of parents have pretended not to smell a poopy diaper in the hopes their partner will change it, and 66 percent feel that brands or media don’t accurately represent diaper duty.

In an effort to challenge this picture-perfect depiction of diaper changes, beloved baby brand Babyganics has launched its #Pootraits campaign to showcase real reactions to those big-time blowouts and gag-inducing smells.

From now to October 10, you can join in the fun by sharing your diaper change selfies on social media using the hashtag #Pootraits. Each day Babyganics will select images to share in their online Pootraits Gallery, where you can vote for your favorite shot.

At the end of the week, the photo with the most votes will be crowned the winner on Babyganics’ Instagram and Facebook pages. The best part—the parent or caregiver with the winning shot will receive a year’s supply of Babyganics’ new Triple Dry Diapers.

So wait are you waiting for? Grab your iPhone and switch it to “Pootrait” mode to capture your best “what on earth is that!” face. To learn more about Babyganics’ #Pootraits campaign, visit

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