US Popularity:28849
Meaning:On the other side of the forest or water meadow; By a flood plain or a bay
Honor baby’s Polish roots with the short and snappy Zale. Originally a topographic last name and variation of others like Zaleski and Zalewski, Zale is typically given to both girls and boys. Deriving from Zaleski, Zale indicates that someone lived “on the other side of the forest” or “on the other side of the water meadow.” Meanwhile, if taken from Zalewski, it was given to those whose abode was “by a flood plain or a bay.” Both a testament to their heritage and their undeniable love of nature, Zale is a cool choice for your little one.

How Popular Is The Name Zale?

U.S. Births

Overall:Zale is currently #28849 in U.S. births
Boy:Zale is currently #14104 in U.S. births

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 2023
No change
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