Meaning:Young; Dedicated to Jove; Sweet-speaking, well-spoken; Gem of the sea
Yulla is a feminine name with a variety of origins to inspire your bundle of joy. A variant of the Slavic name Yulia, it come from the Latin name Julius, translating to “young” or “dedicated to Jove.” If you want baby to connect to their youthful demeanor or the mythical story of the Latin god of thunder, Yulla can make for a booming choice. Yulla can also serve as a fun spelling of the Greek name Eula and a shortened form of Eulalia. Translating to “sweet speaking” or “well spoken,” this name can teach baby to choose their words wisely and with empathy from the very start. Thanks to its connections to the Celtic name Ula, it can also translate to “gem of the sea,” reminding your little one that they’re an invaluable addition to your family. Whether baby is more connected to the sky or the sea, the name Yulla is sure to help them find their place in the world.
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