US Popularity:17174
Meaning:Growth, progress; Abundance
Xaden is a masculine name of English and American invention, possibly inspired by similar-sounding names like Braden and Aiden. Xaden can serve as a creative twist on Zaden, which comes from Arabic monikers like Zayd and Zidan. Translating to “growth,” abundance” or “progress,” this can always inspire baby to keep working towards their goal and destiny. If you’re a proud fantasy nerd, this name may remind you of the character Xaden Riorson from Fourth Wing. For a name that matches baby’s dragon-like spirit and encourages them to progress towards the sky, Xaden can make for an encouraging choice.
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How Popular Is The Name Xaden?
U.S. Births
Overall:Xaden is currently #17174 in U.S. births
Boy:Xaden is currently #8199 in U.S. births
Yearly Ranking Change:
in 2023
- 2075
from 2022
- #N/A
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