US Popularity:27100
Other Origin(s):German, Norse
Meaning:Wild; Uncivilized; Fairy; Elf
Wilda is a feminine name of Old English and Old German origin, meaning “wild,” “uncivilized,” “elf,” or “fairy.” A baby with this down-to-earth name can embrace the freeing nature of her title, running wild as she discovers the beauty of the world in which she lives. Like a willow tree in the breeze, Wilda can go with the flow of life, knowing her family and roots will support her throughout her journey. Also a last name, Wilda is believed to have been most common in England and is thought to have come from the Old English wilde or the Old Norse alfr, which means “fairy.” As with everything in nature, baby will truly be one-of-a-kind.

How Popular Is The Name Wilda?

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 2022
- 4647
from 2015
In comparison to the previous year's data
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