Meaning:Of Hindu goddess Parvati; Flax; Light; Splendid; Tranquility; Night; Child of the sea
Give baby plenty of inspiration with a versatile name like Umeeka. This feminine name can act as a fun spin on the Indian and Sanskrit name Uma. It serves as one of the names of the Hindu goddess Parvati, who represents love, power, motherhood, harmony, and many other attributes. Thanks to its connections to the Sanskrit word Umā, Umeeka can have an array of translations to inspire your bundle of joy. One meaning is “flax,” encouraging your little one to connect to the most vital and useful parts of the natural world. It can also mean “light” or “splendid” to match baby’s dazzling spirit, as well as “tranquility” or “night,” to match their peaceful connection to the dark side. If you want to inspire baby’s appreciation for water, Umeeka may also serve as a variant of the Japanese name Umiko, translating to “child of the sea.” Whether baby’s state of mind is more grounded or up in the stars, Umeeko can make for a great fit.
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