US Popularity:6099
Meaning:Three; Small three
Tre is a boy's name of British, American, and Welsh origin. It is a variant of the Middle English name Trey, meaning "three." The term trey also refers to a three-pointer score in basketball and a playing card with a rank of three. The name Tre is a worthy contender if you want to pass on your interest in sport and games to baby. In America, Tre is a common combination of Trey, meaning “three” in British, and Vaughn meaning “small,” in Welsh, which creates the blended definition of “small three.” The name is also a fun way to honor baby's birth order or celebrate a lucky number.
How Popular Is The Name Tre?
The Bump Ranking
Overall:Tre is currently #4646 on The Bump
Boy:Tre is currently #2610 on The Bump Boy Names
U.S. Births
Overall:Tre is currently #6099 in U.S. births
Boy:Tre is currently #2831 in U.S. births
Yearly Ranking Change:
in 2023
- 817
from 2022
Behind the Name, Tre, January 2018
Behind the Name, Trey, July 2008
Name Doctor, Trey
WordSense Dictionary, Trey
100,000+ Baby Names by Bruce Lansky, pg. 545, 546
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