US Popularity:11815
You have indeed hit the nail on the head by naming your little one Thoren. Inspired by the hammer-wielding god of Norse mythology, Thoren is a Scandinavian name meaning "thunder." Daring, bravery, and strength are just a few traits associated with Thor, but your little one may not find them so exciting. Instead, baby can marvel at the comic book superhero of the same name and his association with lightning, thunder, storms, and protecting humankind. Mighty baby Thoren and their little school friends can argue endlessly about who would win in a fight - Superman, Thor, or Thoren.
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How Popular Is The Name Thoren?
U.S. Births
Overall:Thoren is currently #11815 in U.S. births
Boy:Thoren is currently #5617 in U.S. births
Yearly Ranking Change:
in 2023
- 431
from 2022
- #N/A
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