US Popularity:11812
Possibly inspired by the retro creation of Brangelina and Bennifer, Tauren is a name that celebrates the meeting of Taurus and Lauren. Meaning "bull," this gender-neutral American name has appeared in several different forms of media over the years. Your little one may grow up to be a gamer and be thrilled to hear their name used in the famous World of Warcraft series. Alternatively, music may be a passion of your new best friend, with Tauren Gabriel Wells flying the flag for the name. Baby Tauren can harmonize through headphones with the Grammy-nominated American singer as they dream of having their name up in lights one day.

How Popular Is The Name Tauren?

U.S. Births

Overall:Tauren is currently #11812 in U.S. births
Boy:Tauren is currently #5613 in U.S. births

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