US Popularity:7400
Other Origin(s):Scandinavian
Meaning:To take, capture; Guarantor
A popular name across Scandinavia, Tage originated in Old Danish from the word taka, meaning "to take." It is a masculine and more modern form of the old name Taki, meaning "a guarantor," and one of the top baby names in Sweden. Baby Tage will take all the love you can give and more with a guarantee to return it in kind. Your little one will "capture" your heart, and one look is all it will take.

How Popular Is The Name Tage?

U.S. Births

Overall:Tage is currently #7400 in U.S. births
Boy:Tage is currently #3450 in U.S. births

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 2023
+ 2656
from 2022
In comparison to the previous year's data
  • #N/A
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