US Popularity:3147
Meaning:Of the stars; Constellation; Tree of heaven; Order, sequence
Sidra is a girl’s name linked to the languages of Latin, Arabic, and Hebrew origins. It comes from Latin words like sidus and siderum, meaning “of the stars,” or "constellation," and is a beautiful choice for your stellar little one. Radiant with other-worldly wonder, Sidra sings highest praise of the heavens' most honorable creations and serves as a song of thanks to the cosmos for its light beams. The name Sidra is also an Arabic expression for the sidr or lote tree, and is lauded in Islamic belief as the sacred sapling of the Seventh Heaven. In Hebrew, Sidra can also translate to "order" or "sequence," and can refer to the Jewish scriptures read weekly during the sabbath service. Elegant, ethereal, and out-of-this world, Sidra will leave everyone starstruck.
How Popular Is The Name Sidra?
The Bump Ranking
Overall:Sidra is currently #2171 on The Bump
Girl:Sidra is currently #1501 on The Bump Girl Names
U.S. Births
Overall:Sidra is currently #3147 in U.S. births
Girl:Sidra is currently #1715 in U.S. births
Yearly Ranking Change:
in 2023
+ 126
from 2022
Quranic Names, Sidra, A Quranic Name for Girls
Behind the Name, Sidra, June 2015
WordSense, Meaning of siderum
WordSense, Meaning of סדרה
Britannica, sida, Judaism, October 2013
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