US Popularity:12393
Other Origin(s):Sanskrit
Meaning:Founder, first; Power
Shaka was the name of a Zulu tribal leader from the early 19th century who shaped a group of tribes into the Zulu nation of southern Africa. He was one of the most important monarchs of the Zulu tribe. The name Shaka comes from the Zulu ishaka, which is an internal parasite that causes stomach aches. King Shaka’s father was said to have mistakenly blamed Shaka’s mother’s pregnancy symptoms on this parasite. Other sources say that Shaka means “founder” or “first,” possibly referencing Shaka’s founding of the military of the Zulu empire. Shaka is also a Sanskrit girl's name that means "power" and is a diminutive of Shakti. This gender-neutral name will imbue baby with a sense of strength, so they know they can tackle whatever life might throw at them.

How Popular Is The Name Shaka?

The Bump Ranking

Overall:Shaka is currently #4700 on The Bump
Boy:Shaka is currently #2642 on The Bump Boy Names
Girl:Shaka is currently #3125 on The Bump Girl Names

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 2022
No change
from 2021
In comparison to the previous year's data
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