US Popularity:9662
Other Origin(s):German
Meaning:Sedge farm; Dwelling place where sedges grow; Victory farm; Sword village
As baby walks through the grass and finds their place in the world, Sedgwick can make for a great fit. This masculine name has English and German roots and plenty of meanings to inspire your little one. One translation from Old English can include “sedge farm” or “dwelling place where sedges grow.” Sedges are grass-like plants that can pop up around wetlands and marshes. If this describes baby’s future home, it can make a great fit. For a more rustic, edgy tone, Sedgwick can also mean “victory farm” or “sword village.” Whether baby prefers to relax among the pastures or go off on their next adventure, Sedgwick carries plenty of encouragement.
How Popular Is The Name Sedgwick?
Yearly Ranking Change:
in 1976
- 717
from 1972
- #N/A
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