By Gabrielle Bennett Senior Content Specialist
To define sassy almost feels antithetical to what it is to be sassy! Nonetheless, it’s a word loosely defined as “bold” and even “impertinent.” But any parent that’s found themselves on this list has come here because their child is bound to have some of these audacious and saucy traits from day one. These characteristics are ones that are easy to grow old with, letting that secret sauce that makes sass so delightfully spicy marinate for decades. Give your little girl a sweet and sassy girl name to help her embrace her full attitude potential.

Sassy Girl Names

Sassy names for girls comprise the traits that are absolutely essential for being a woman in the world. From Greek goddesses to modern anti-heroes to names made for the protagonist in every story, your little girl will never take “no” for an answer. These sassy names provide a lesson in determination and pure confidence for baby to take with her all lifelong.

Baby Names That Feel Sassy

Like so many things, gut instinct is paramount to embodying and encouraging a healthy level of sass. Sass is about challenging the norms, knowing to fight for yourself, and giving a wink as you climb every career ladder. It bursts with charm and walks every tightrope with a curated confidence that can hardly be defined by anything other than a feeling.

Sweet and Sassy Baby Names

Just like everyone learned with The Powerpuff Girls, girls are made with sugar and spice! Because with every dash of sass comes a counterbalance of sweetness, every little girl is born ready to be encouraged toward their sweetest and sassiest selves. And these names are the cherry on top of that encouragement sundae.

Vintage Sassy Girl Names

Before it was sass, it was moxy, and before that, probably just pure tenacity—no matter which way you look at it, sass has been a prominent feature of girlhood since the beginning of history. Though, of course, it’s looked a little different over the centuries. Give your little girl a piece of the boldness of female history with a vintage sassy girl name.
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