US Popularity:11132
Meaning:Shining light, bright; Rose; God is gracious, graced by Yahweh
Roshawna is a girl’s name of multiple origins. In Sanskrit, Hindi, and Persian it commonly derives from Roshana meaning “shining light,” or “bright.” A beautiful name worthy of a wonderful person, the name Roshawna will always remind baby of their value. Roshawna is an incredibly chic-sounding name with an elegant -a ending. It is also commonly referred to as a combination name originating from American, made up of both Rose and Shawn. Rose is a Latin name, meaning “rose,” while Shawn derives from the Irish Sean, translating to “god is gracious” or “graced by Yahweh.” With a name as beautifully abundant as Roshawna, baby will remember that they can be their own shining light, even in the darkest of times. If you’d like a slightly shorter title with the same lovely meaning, the name Roshan is also a delightful choice.
How Popular Is The Name Roshawna?
Yearly Ranking Change:
in 1996
- 3671
from 1994
100,000+ Baby Names by Bruce Lansky, pg. 266
Behind the Name, Roshan, December 2017
Name Doctor, Roshan
Wisdom Library, Roshan: 1 definition
Name Doctor, Shawn
Name Doctor, Rose
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