US Popularity:12882
Other Origin(s):British
Meaning:Citizen of Rome; Spacious clearing
Encourage your little one to love the city and the countryside by giving them the masculine name Romilly. Despite having strong connections to the ancient city of Rome, Romilly is believed to be French in origin. Meaning “citizen of Rome,” Romilly is possibly a French variant of the Roman family name Romilius, which, in turn, derives from Romulus, the name of one of the legendary founders of Rome. As an Old English place name, Romilly is said to be a combination of the words rūm, meaning “spacious,” and leah, meaning “clearing,” so if your tiny explorer is happiest when running through wide-open fields and meadows, you’ll know why!

How Popular Is The Name Romilly?

U.S. Births

Overall:Romilly is currently #12882 in U.S. births

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