US Popularity:28094
Meaning:To collect, to gather; Consideration, thoughtfulness; Road; Forward, to go forth
Ro is a gender-neutral name whose endearing simplicity hides within it a rich complexity. Related to countless monikers, Ro has been used as a nickname, given name, and last name in many languages. In Chinese, Ro is a common surname that has a multitude of meanings, depending on the hanzi or characters you use to spell it. Some of these include “to collect” or “to gather.” It is the same sort of deal in Japanese, where Ro could mean “consideration,” “thoughtfulness,” or “road,” according to different kanji spellings. In Korean, Ro is a form of the last name No. In Old Irish, Ro means “forward“ or “to go forth” and is used as a prefix ro- or ró-, meaning “too” or “very” in modern Irish still. As you can see, this abundant name is just too perfect! Finally, Ro could be connected to names like Rowena, Roland, Roch, Rowan, Rodrigo, Robin, and many more, allowing you to ascribe even more meaning to this short and sweet choice.
How Popular Is The Name Ro?
The Bump Ranking
Overall:Ro is currently #2655 on The Bump
Boy:Ro is currently #1499 on The Bump Boy Names
Girl:Ro is currently #1805 on The Bump Girl Names
U.S. Births
Overall:Ro is currently #28094 in U.S. births
Boy:Ro is currently #13693 in U.S. births
Yearly Ranking Change:
in 2023
No change
from 2022
My China Roots, Ro Chinese Last Name Facts
Japanese Names .info, Ro
WordSense, ro-
WordSense, ró-
Ancestry, Ro Family History
Behind the Name, Ro (1)(2), June 2024
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