US Popularity:4376
Meaning:Pure, clean; Joyful singing; Peace, tranquility, harmony; Melted; Sharp, witty; Village
Rina is a feminine name with Greek, Hebrew, Sanskrit, and Japanese origins that's rich with meaning for your bundle of joy. Coming from the Greek name Katherine or Katarina, it translates to “pure” or "clean." Rina may also derive from the Greek Irene, meaning "peace," "tranquility," and "harmony." As a Hebrew name, Rina derives from rinnâh, meaning "joyful singing." In Sanskrit, Rina means "melted," while Rina's Japanese roots come replete with endearments depending on the kanji used. Some definitions for Japanese Rina include "village," "white jasmine," and "sharp," "witty," and "clever." Each giggle and laugh that baby makes is going to add such a harmonious bliss to your day. The name Rina is sure to remind them of their own warm glow and budding potential.
How Popular Is The Name Rina?
The Bump Ranking
Overall:Rina is currently #1375 on The Bump
Girl:Rina is currently #980 on The Bump Girl Names
U.S. Births
Overall:Rina is currently #4376 in U.S. births
Girl:Rina is currently #2448 in U.S. births
Yearly Ranking Change:
in 2023
+ 230
from 2022
Name Doctor, Rina
Name Doctor, Rina
Name Doctor, Rina
Behind the Name, Rina, December 2022
Behind the Name, Rina, January 2019
Behind the Name, Rina, January 2019
Behind the Name, Rina, April 2021 WordSense Dictionary, Rina Japanese Names .Info, Rina
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