US Popularity:19824
Meaning:Small but strong; Reborn; Powerful counsel
Rennie is a gender-neutral nickname-turned-given name that has roots all over the world. In Irish, Rennie is a respelling of Renny and means “small but strong,” which is apt, as your small little bundle of joy discovered the might they possess. As a derivative of René, Rennie means “reborn,” to remind baby that they can always have a fresh start when they need it. Finally, in German, Rennie is a nickname for Reynold or Rainey, offering up the definition of “powerful council.” While the name has dropped in the charts in recent years, it still makes for a delightful title to connect baby Rennie to their roots and keep them grounded.
How Popular Is The Name Rennie?
U.S. Births
Overall:Rennie is currently #19824 in U.S. births
Girl:Rennie is currently #11923 in U.S. births
Yearly Ranking Change:
in 2023
+ 5294
from 2022
Ancestry, Rennie Family History
Ancestry, Rainey Family History
SurnameDB, Last name: Rennie
Behind the Name, Rennie, December 2018
Behind the Name, Rene, February 2020
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