Other Origin(s):Polynesian
Meaning:Jumping spider; To seize, to take hold of
Rarahu is a feminine name of Pacific Islander and Polynesian origins. This title is shared with a species of jumping spider found exclusively in Samoa. While it’s unclear why these insects were given this name, Rarahu certainly has its place in the natural world! Pierre Loti's autobiographical novel, Le Mariage de Loti, features a character called Rarahu or Rarau. Perhaps Rarahu’s origins lie within the Māori word rarahu, meaning “to seize,” or “to lay hold of.” As your Rarahu grows up, they’ll cherish every opportunity to explore and learn in the great outdoors.
  • Behind the Name, Rarahu, June 2015

  • Le Mariage de Loti by Pierre Loti

  • Te Aka Māori Dictionary rarahu

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