Meaning:Five; Fiftieth; Of the Pentecost Festival; Sorrow, grief, sadness
Pentea is a feminine name of Greek origin that can come from a variety of Greek words and monikers. It can serve as a variant of Penta, meaning “five,” or Penty, an adorable nickname for the name Pentecost, which means “fiftieth.” Pentea can be a meaningful choice if baby starts their life on the 50th day of the year or is the fifth bundle of joy in the family. With the connections to Pentecost, Pentea can also refer to the Christian holiday Pentecost, or the Jewish holiday Shavuot. This makes for a great way to share your faith with your little one. Pentea can also work as a variant of Penthea, which in turn stems from the Greek Pentheus, meaning “sorrow,” “grief,” or “sadness.” Of course, there’s going to be plenty of joyful moments in baby’s life. If you want to teach them to also feel and express sadness in a safe, healthy, way, the name Pentea will give them the reassurance they need.
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