US Popularity:11480
Other Origin(s):French, Greek
Meaning:Little rock; Rock
Here is a name that certainly rocks! Parnell is a cool gender-neutral name of French, Greek, and Latin origin. Both a surname and a given name, Parnell’s etymology can be traced back from the Latin monikers Petronilla or Petronis, meaning “little rock” or simply “rock.” With a name like this, baby Parnell is sure to embody a strong, determined and steadfast nature, no matter what life may throw their way. Plus, the name offers some rocking role models for baby, including 19th century Irish politician Charles Parnell, American racing driver Rufus Parnell Jones, Irish poet Fanny Parnell, and American Major League Baseball player Bobby Parnell.

How Popular Is The Name Parnell?

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 2017
No change
from 2016
In comparison to the previous year's data

100,000+ Baby Names by Bruce Lansky, pg. 248, 250, 496 Ancestry, Parnell Family History Surname DB, Last name: Parnell Name Doctor, Petronella Online Etymology Dictionary, petro-, October 2021 Britannica, Charles Stewart Parnell, October 2023

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