Meaning:Twin; Born on Nkwo day; Beginning, end, cord; Child, offspring; Ancient; Great queen; Happy; Eye
Oko is a gender-neutral name with Ghanaian and Nigerian connections. From Akan, Ewe, and Ga, Oko means “twin” and makes for an adorable choice if you’re welcoming two bundles of joy into your life. Oko can also act as a shortened version of the Igbo Okonkwo, which means “born on Nkwo day.” In the Igbo culture, their traditional calendar has four market days in the week, with one of the days being Nkwo. If you want a name that celebrates baby’s familial roots and commemorates the day they started their life or joined your family, the name Oko will make for a meaningful choice. Oko is also a Japanese name spelled with kanji that can mean “beginning,” “end,” “cord,” “child,” “offspring,” “ancient,” “great queen,” “happy,” and more. Finally, Oko is a nickname in Polish that means “eye,” for the curious little tot who has always got their sparkling eyes on you.
On this page:
What is in a Name? Ghanaian Personal Names as Information Sources By Olive Akpebu Adjah, pg. 10
Japanese Names .info, Oko
Ancestry, Oko Family History
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