Other Origin(s):Burmese, Egyptian
Meaning:Soft, delicate, tender; Female, woman; Primeval water
Don’t be fooled by short and sweet Nu—this uplifting name has global appeal. In Burmese, Nu is a typically gender-neutral moniker that holds translations like “soft,” “delicate,” and “tender.” As they grow and embark on adventures, this name can remind your child to approach life with a kind heart and gentle spirit. Nu is also a Vietnamese name meaning “female” or “woman,” two words that could represent the people your Nu will look up to. As an Egyptian title, Nu is steeped in mythological origins as a form of Nun, borne by the oldest ancient Egyptian god. Meaning “primeval waters,” Nun embodied the waters of chaos from which creation began. A worldly title that spans the dawn of time, Nu is a worthy choice for your new arrival.
On this page:
Behind the Name, Nu (2), September 2024
Que Huong Dictionary, nữ
Vtudien Vietnamese-English Dictionary, nữ
Behind the Name, Nu, June 2023
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