By Gabrielle Bennett Senior Content Specialist

Has your heart heard the call of the Fellowship of the Ring’s anthem and nearly burst from your chest? Then you are likely one of the many who have watched—and rewatched—and read—and reread—and made The Lord of the Rings a part of your identity. If baby is going be running around a world that’s as close to the Shire as you can get it, then a baby girl, boy, or gender-neutral name taken from The Lord of the Rings or The Rings of Power series just makes sense.

Baby Names from The Rings of Power

With the terrifically exciting release of the newest installment in the film industry’s adaptation of JRR Tolkien’s legendarium, The Rings of Power is on everyone’s mind. In addition to highlighting material from The Silmarillion and some of the Appendices to The Lord of the Rings to create a prequel to the main series’ events, the creators here have given an important contemporary vision to it. The showrunners and casting directors have embraced the opportunity to fill the cast with diverse and hugely skilled actors. If your love of the original series has only grown stronger with the chance for this new and improved take on the source material, then a baby name inspired by your new favorite characters from The Rings of Power just makes sense.

Baby Names from The Lord of the Rings

The rolling hills of the Shire, the ethereal planes of Rivendell, and the glittering stones of Minas Tirath have inspired escapism and creativity in equal measure since 1954. But even though Tolkien’s work was published then, it certainly had a revival with Peter Jackson’s film adaptation of The Lord of the Rings in 2001. The brilliant, long—but somehow not long enough—films changed the face of cinema. Though it’s been twenty years since The Fellowship of the Ring was released, the love of the franchise never died. If you’re going to be teaching baby “Gondor calls for aid!” and “And Rohan will answer!” instead of “Marco-Polo,” then one of The Lord of the Rings baby names will do the trick.
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