US Popularity:18184
Other Origin(s):British, French, Hebrew, Persian, Turkish
Meaning:Saint, holy; New town; The newest one; He will prosper
Nev is a gender-neutral name boasting many origins. With several meanings, including "new town," from the French and British Neville, and “saint” and “holy” from the Irish Nevan, Nev offers a world of possibilities. While more commonly used for boys, Nev is emerging as a cute girl name thanks to its feminine usage in Turkish as a short form of Nevin, meaning “the newest one” from a Persian root. It is also a diminutive of the masculine Hebrew Yaniv, meaning “he will prosper,” allowing you to reinvigorate an old family name from past generations. Whatever meaning resonates the most with you, Nev is a sweet choice for baby.

How Popular Is The Name Nev?

U.S. Births

Overall:Nev is currently #18184 in U.S. births
Girl:Nev is currently #10876 in U.S. births

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 2023
+ 6413
from 2019
In comparison to the previous year's data
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