Meaning:Wonderful, admirable; Peace; World; Ocean, sea; Bright sea
Myrilla is a girl's name of Slavic, Indian, Sanskrit, and Irish origin. It has several meanings, including "wonderful," "peace," and "world." Myrilla is also a variant of Mira, which translates to "admirable." It's often found in Hindi-speaking countries where its positive connotations are associated with the Hindu religion. Coming from the Sanskrit word mīra and the Irish name Muriel or Muirgheal, it translates to “ocean,” “sea” or “bright sea,” respectively, giving baby endless waves of encouragement. With a name like Myrilla, your little one will feel treasured, loved, and destined for a life of serenity and good fortune.
On this page:
Name Doctor, Myrilla
100,000+ Baby Names by Bruce Lansky, pg. 230, 227, 233
Dictionary of Medieval Names from European Sources, Mira
Behind the Name, Mira (1), January 2019
Behind the Name, Mira (2), January 2019
Library Ireland, MUIRGHEAL
Wisdom Library, Mira, Mīra, Mirā, Mir: 15 definitions
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