US Popularity:2116
Meaning:Bitterness; Beloved; Wished for child; Nursing mother; Illusion, dream
Miah is a girl’s name that spans cultures and languages and shares several meanings. The multi-faceted name owes its varied etymology to the number of beautiful Miah variants that exist. Most commonly, Miah is a form of Mia, inspired by the Hebrew and Latin Mary, meaning "bitterness," "beloved," and "wished for child." Miah also finds inspiration in Maya, which has Sanskrit origins and means “dream” or “illusion.” Maya is associated with Lakshmi, the Hindu goddess of love, beauty, joy, and wealth for the baby who loves the finer things in life. Miah may also derive from the Greek Maia, meaning "nursing mother." In mythology, Maia is the name of one of the seven Pleiades and Hermes' mother. Steeped in history, culture, and myth, Miah is the perfect choice for the all-rounder baby girl who is bound to set sail for a life of adventure.
How Popular Is The Name Miah?
The Bump Ranking
Overall:Miah is currently #1638 on The Bump
Girl:Miah is currently #1162 on The Bump Girl Names
U.S. Births
Overall:Miah is currently #2116 in U.S. births
Girl:Miah is currently #1123 in U.S. births
Yearly Ranking Change:
in 2023
- 38
from 2022
Behind the Name, Miah, April 2014
Name Doctor, Miah
Name Doctor, Maia
Behind the Name, Mia, April 2022
Wisdom Library, Maya, Māya, Mayā, Māyā: 69 definitions, January 2024
Theoi, Maia
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