US Popularity:3848
Other Origin(s):Irish
Meaning:Son of Aodh; Son of fire
If there's one thing you'll be doing when baby arrives into your life, it's going to be celebrating. McKay, sometimes stylized as Mckay, is a gender-neutral name with Scottish and Irish roots It has origins as an Irish and Scottish surname, from the Irish mac Aodha, meaning "son of Aodh." With Aodh being the root of names like Aidan and Hugh, McKay can be an understated way to honor family names. Aodh also translates to "fire," giving McKay the additional meaning "son of fire." This gives it a vibrant, fervent energy to match baby's bright, energetic spirit. It's also a more unusual alternative to Mckayla.
Ancestry, Mckay Family History
House of Names, McKay History, Family Crest & Coats of Arms
House of Names, McKay History, Family Crest & Coats of Arms (Ireland)
SurnameDB, Last name: McKay
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