US Popularity:9725
Other Origin(s):Egyptian, Greek, Hebrew
Meaning:Sea of bitterness; Rebelliousness; Wished for child; Beloved, love
Maurene is a feminine multilingual name derived from the popular name Mary. It has many well-known spelling variations, including the Irish and English name Maureen. Maurene has a number of meanings from its Latin, Greek, and Hebrew roots, such as “sea of bitterness,” “rebelliousness,” and “wished-for child.” This baby name is also believed to have roots in Egyptian, where it means "beloved" or "love." Maurene is a far-reaching biblical name rooted in many cultures and religions, making it an excellent contender for those who wish to raise baby to identify with or appreciate a mixture of cultures and faiths.

How Popular Is The Name Maurene?

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 1981
+ 1585
from 1980
In comparison to the previous year's data
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