Meaning:Small eyes; To follow; To regard as chief
Mataalii is a feminine name of Pacific Islander origin with a lineage written in the stars. A variation of the Māori title Matariki, Mataalii represents The Pleiades star cluster that forms part of the Taurus constellation. In Māori tradition, the first appearance of this cluster marks the beginning of the new Lunar year. It's a time of honoring the past, replenishing for the future, and interpreting predictions from each individual star. Fittingly, Mataalii and Matariki translate to “small eyes,” perhaps symbolizing the acts of looking ahead and welcoming new beginnings. Other sources link Mataalii to the Samoan definitions “to follow” or “to regard as chief” from the phrase mataali’i.
  • Behind the Name, Mataalii, January 2020

  • Behind the Name, Matariki, May 2015

  • NASA, Messier 45

  • Te Aka Māori Dictionary, Matariki

  • A Grammar and Dictionary of the Samoan Language: With English and Samoan Vocabulary by George Pratt, pg. 212

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