Meaning:Son of Mars, a descendant of Mars
Martti is a Finnish name for boys that has Latin and Roman origins. With its striking meanings "son of Mars" and “descendant of Mars,” Martti can pull on mythology or even just the exceptionally cool study of the cosmos. In Roman mythology, Mars is a god of war and guardian of Rome. Unlike his temperamental Greek counterpart, Ares, Mars is often described as more calm and collected in his war tactics. Mars is also the name of planet Earth’s red neighbor, which humans are attempting to make our second home at this very moment. Martti, with all its strength and character, couldn’t be more fitting for the little one coming to change life as you know it.
On this page:
Behind the Name, Martti, December 2014
Behind the Name, Martti, December 2024
Name Doctor, Martti
World History Encyclopedia, Mars, January 2014
NASA, Humans to Mars
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